Friday, August 1, 2008

epic bike ride

A few days ago I went to Colwood to buy a $300 CCM fixed gear bike for $65. = amazing.

Today, Matthew (my brother) and I biked downtown to go to the library. We got in a bit of a fight because I can be a total asshole to him sometimes. He parted ways from me, which was totally fair.

I spent time at the library, read a few magazines and then embarked on this unplanned bike trip:,+-123.362530&daddr=Heywood+Way+%4048.412155,+-123.361103+to:Dallas+Rd+%4048.407068,+-123.348077+to:Hollywood+Crescent+%4048.409093,+-123.330197+to:King+George+Terrace+%4048.409084,+-123.318362+to:Beach+Dr+%4048.412563,+-123.308147+to:48.462706,-123.297544+to:Juniper+Pl+%4048.493520,+-123.326030&hl=en&geocode=1731158819420382868,48.417550,-123.362530%3B398015106463711088,48.412155,-123.361103%3B15841534981158863702,48.407068,-123.348077%3B12274409073417681212,48.409093,-123.330197%3B1208252022984816949,48.409084,-123.318362%3B3241049870219359165,48.412563,-123.308147%3B880093293559864686,48.493520,-123.326030&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=6&sz=15&via=1,2,3,4,5,6&sll=48.461966,-123.297544&sspn=0.013603,0.027637&ie=UTF8&ll=48.488425,-123.322649&spn=0.013596,0.027637&t=h&z=15
If anything, I'm happy to have moved here so I can park my bike down a hidden path that leads down to a semi-private public beach with a view of a lighthouse.

Feels very good on my soul

Tell me everything good or bad about your life

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