Friday, August 8, 2008


If I try not to be an idiot with my money I might be able to save a grand or two to buy this sweet 1980 volkswagen cabriolet (for sale right now actually) and take her on a road trip to california.

I want to do that SOO bad. I think about the redwoods, and the quiet beaches. Anybody want to come? DISTANT FUTURE PLANNING

I signed up for mensa testing this morning. I have been watching the show "freaks and geeks" lately (for the first time) and it has reminded me that in high school I was so isolated and didn't even have a group of friends to hang with or relate to. I think it's time I try to find some fun, intelligent people to just hang out with. I love being around people, but I carry around a lot of bitterness and resentment that I've been so isolated my whole life and have had to pretend to be a different person in most social situations in order to try to work the system. Even around my parents most of the time.

There's a time in my life where I realized I was lying too much, and faking everything. I guess there is something tempting about being in a negative paradigm but it can be so fatal. After a while you get used to a really narrow view of the world and it's possibilities because it can seem so threatening. Then I guess I just woke up after a while and I realized that the world and people aren't that bad.

I guess it's over and now I just have dreams about cool girls with brains that want to ride in my cabriolet.
come on babes
we can listen to my muxtape

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